Our reviews are as unique to online sale as our products are to the TENS of thousands of users. They are from online community customers all over the web so you know they are real.
These are AMAZING!!! I wont ride without a set ever again. One of the best fitting goggles I’ve had and the mask is soo comfortable you can barely even tell its there!!
Ok, I thought it best that I check back in and tell you how I liked the goggles. Rode with them yesterday. The best I’ve ever worn. I wear glasses and with my Oakleys they fog up when I ride. Not so with the Premium goggles.
I received my shipment late last week… Decided to try them out this weekend while out riding on some extremely dusty trails, these are awesome!!!
Tim is a great guy! I have enjoyed my dealings with him also.
Every dealing I’ve had with Tim has been positive, and I’ve had a few. Great product, great guy!
Hey Tim
Thanks again for the mask, (The Best Mask I Have Ever Used)
LOVE MINE! BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD! GET YOU SOME! My only suggestion is get some extras and sell them to your buddies when the dust flies and they want one!!
I will also add the Wolf Snout is excellent for customer service!!
These are VERY effective products. I, along with a couple of my friends, have been using these for the past couple of years and we all happy with them.
I found you on the RZR forum and since a lot of people said good things about your mask I thought I would give it a try. I’m glad I did. They work great! It’s funny how I had never seen them before and now I see many other SxS drivers using them. It’s kind of like the first day Ihad my Jeep I saw two others just like it.
The Wolsnout dust masks are quickly becoming very popular in the side x side community and for good reason.They offer superior comfort, breathe ability and are much cooler than the winter ski mask types. They work better with a helmet and goggles
2011 Vegas to Reno Iron Man Racer Phil Walker
“The Wolfsnout worked well. I finally figured out the technique for getting my hydration working with it. I was able to breath no problem and the near 100 temps made no impact on my breathing (I don’t know what the temps were really hitting)”
“When you first don the masks, you’ll notice how much lighter and free feeling the Wolfsnout is compared to the …. “It’s easier to slide your helmet and goggles over the Wolfsnout too.” “the free-breathing feeling of the Wolfsnout will keep you smiling, with white teeth” “we have to give our nod to the Wolfsnout”
Atv dust mask comparison “quite effective and more comfortable to wear…”…”Winner”
“Cleaner fresher air than any paper”..”.Amazed at the effectiveness.”..”fits comfortably”
Wolfsnout masks are great for mountain biking BMX and all bicycling. Also now the best military dust mask.
Re: wolf snout face mask
just a little feedback. The wolfsnout atv dust mask i bought a month ago is 100% better than the one i bought a year ago. The foam that contacts the face and nose being larger and softer is an improvement, to say the least.i used your returning customer offer a month or so ago and advised a friend. I used your offer again to purchase him one. WS.The best dust face mask for Endurance Motorcycle racing.
Hey Tim just giving you a update on the best in the desert “Silver State 300” race in Nevada this weekend , we ran two quads in the ATV expert class quad #411 (the one I was one ) blew an engine at race mile 79 so I never got on the bike so I handed my wolf snout to team 2 and they FREAKING loved it , team 2 quad #444 finished with a 2nd place atv expert and threw wolf snout shout out at the podium on the BITD live webcast at the finish line , thanks again , BTW we will be racing the 2010 Baja 500 in June and would like to order some more wolf snouts for the race and would also like to get your LOGO and you permission to put it on our Team Baja shirts and a link on our team website, Thanks again
Hey Tim,
Those things worked unbelievably well in the Baja 1000. Unfortunately we had a few setbacks and only completed 818 miles of the race, but we did it in the first 24 hours. Everything went to crap from there. I away every extra Wolfsnout I took with me. I gave two to Wes McCoy(former HondaTeamdirector) and two of his riders. I passed out a few more to no- name entrants and asked them all to tell someone if they used it or liked it. When I get all the picks back, I will try to find one of a guy with a dirty, muddy face and one of our riders with a relatively clean smile. (Great for motorcycle racing racing Baja)
Tested to be the best Baja 1000 dust mask ever! The racers choice!
HuskyRips review
Wolfsnout dust mask!
First you have to see it to understand it! Simple concept that really works. The gentlemen from Wolfsnout emailed and asked if I’d be interest in trying his product? Reason being is I put on an off-road series in New Jersey and during the summer months dust is a huge issue. Anyway he send us two Wolfsnout dust mask to try… So the first chance I got to use it was on a 95 degree day here in South Jersey with 65% humidity and no rain for almost two weeks. Eddie and I went out to work on the race course. So as the day wore on and me doing most of the following… the dust got pretty ugly and the sweat pouring down my face and body the dust just stuck to me like you couldn’t imagine. Well after riding and working for 4 hours or so we went back to the truck and took a break… Eddie rode with out a mask and I rode with one, both faces were BLACK but my mouth and area around my nose were clean including my teeth. Eddie on the other hand had crud in is teeth and was blowing out black crap from is nose. The point being is this product really worked and you didn’t even know it was on, There was no interference around the mouth and it’s easy to breath with it on. The big plus side is none of that stuff was in my lungs. Cool product that really works. Check it out: http://www.wolfsnout.com
I just very recently purchased a WOLFSNOUT. I had the opportunity to use it this past weekend at a race! I live in Arizona, obviously very dusty conditions, especially when racing ATVs. I was very pleased with the results of the WOLFSNOUT. As your ad states “breathe better, rider harder” is no joke. The conditions of the area where I was racing was totally “white out” type, no clear vision at all, let alone breathe properly!!! But with the WOLFSNOUT. I was breathing perfectly fine!!!Thank all of you at WOLFSNOUT for a great product, I can guarantee I will be a very long time customer! Jeffrey M #609 ATV 40+ B Whiplash Racing Series, Grinding Stone Racing, Series, ETMX, ATVA
A must piece of atv gear!
Hi Tim,
Just wanted to touch base with you and give you my thanks for such a great product! While pre-running for the 2010 Baja 1000, I had a little mishap that left me feeling like I got kicked in the chest by a Mexican Mule. When I picked the bike up off the ground, it was obvious that I had sustained some type of injury. It was difficult to catch my breath just trying to lift the 450 KTM that I was riding. We assumed that I had probably bruised a rib and I was good enough to continue the remaining 30 or so miles. As it turns out,I had broken 3 ribs and bruised a few others! I firmly believe that I would not have been able to make those 30 miles back to the chase crew if I had to deal with “concrete” lung on top of my injury. The Wolfsnout [All Sport] filtered the fine desert dust (that at times decreased visibility to only a couple of feet] clouds allowing me to breath cleanly.) I have been riding/racing dirtbikes for 30yrs and have been happy to eliminate the heavy breathing that we all suffer from when riding in dusty dry conditions thanks to your product. Many people have asked me”does it make you hot?”, I reply with, “I didn’t even know I was wearing it while riding in the BAJA desert heat”. I normally ride in the South Eastern woods where it gets hot, humid and sticky and I have no issues or discomfort with it. When you stop after a long run, you do notice it a little, no big deal though. I just pull it out of the way and push it back in place before starting out again. You really do forget that you are wearing it after about 2nd gear.value my Wolfsnout as much as my steering stabilizer and wear it on every ride, even while cutting the grass!
It’s only a little warmer around your mouth when you’re sitting still. It’s light and thin enough that it requires no extra effort to breathe, as a matter of fact, once you get rolling you could forget it’s there,. I now have one and used it last weekend when it was 93 degrees. I noticed another benefit with it, when I stopped for a minute, it kept my breathe (panting) from fogging up my goggles. I will use it in the Baja 500 and whenever I ride in dusty conditions. My riding buddy asked why I didn’t buy two. Maybe I’ll give them out as Christmas presents. :-
WS…is the best atv dust facemask available perfect for dualsport riding
Hey Tim.
You sent me a WolfSnout in the Spring and I wanted to let you know that i absolutly love it! When it arrived I couldn’t try it out because of an injury but i just got back on the track a few weeks ago and it was a lifesaver! I race bmx and whoever says that those tracks don’t get dusty they are definatly wrong. After a few laps of practice I put it in my helmet and i noticed the difference right away. I could breathe easier and I wasn’t coughing anymore. When a few other riders at the starting gate saw it, they were amazed. Most of them just use bandannas and wrap them around their face. This product is amazing and I can’t thank you enough. You have not only helped me breathe easier, But i also got 1st in my class because I didn’t have to stop for once from my sensitivity to the amount of dust.
Thank you so much!
“Designed for riders just like us” ” There’s no reason not to have one”
“This little filter is certainly not rocket science, but it definitely increased our comfort level when out riding in open top vehicles or UTV’s” “But we were pretty happy to use them when we did for the first time”
Yes, I received the new snout on Friday. Thank you very much.I did ride with it on Sunday, and, actually, I thought that it DID fit under the helmet a bit better. There was not as much “bunching” or squishing of the snout; it was easier to get into the proper position, and I did not find it performing any differently than the others that you had sent. Let me tell you this, I am a fan of the snout. Two weeks ago, I wore it for the first time in a race. The way we start the races out here is that all of the “Pros” and “A” riders get up on the starting line, with a dead engine. The promoting club raises their banner, and when they drop it, we start our bikes and start the race. Then the “B” riders move up, and when the dust clears, the club raises the banner again, and when it drops, the B riders are out on the course. Then they do the same thing for the C class. I ride in the first wave, and when the banner dropped, I could not get my bike started! Kick! Kick! KICK! Nothing. By then, the first wave was gone, and the B riders were moving up. I am kicking frantically, because whenever I can get the dang thing lit, I am free to go. Kick! Kick!! Just before they raised the flag for the B wave, I got my bike started, and took off. At a HUGE disadvantage, of course. About 3 miles in, I started catching up with those who got off on the banner drop, and I cannot tell you how confident that the dust mask made me feel. As dusty as it was, I knew that I was getting a full lung-full of clean air with each breath, and that let me be a bit more patient that I would normally be. Wait for them to make a mistake, be in the proper position to capitalize when they did, and move forward through the pack. After 56 miles, I came into the pits, and stopped for gas. I wanted to complain about what a terrible start I got, and my club members were saying “who cares? You have moved up into the top 10!”With that, I took off for my second lap. Unfortunately, I hit a big rock coming out of the first checkpoint in the second lap, and went over the bars. I got up; straightened out the front end (handlebars got a little sideways) and got back on the trail. As it turns out, I broke a rib in that crash, but I was able to hold my position. From that point forward, I did not catch anybody else, nor did anybody catch me. I finished up 7th overall. Not bad considering the horrible start, and the wreck. Thank you very much for letting me use the Wolf Snout! I fully believe that it is giving me a competitive edge while it also is simply making the riding experience more enjoyable.